Whether you refer to is as coily, kinky, or afro hair, it all boils down to the same thing. This particular hair pattern with the many name to it is classified as type 4 hair with sub-types 4a (pictured on the left), 4b (pictured in the middle), and 4c (pictured on the right). This pattern is wiry and delicate by nature and each strand usually form a zig zag pattern. A misconception exists that this particular hair type does not grow when in fact afro hair grows at the same rate as other hair textures however, it breaks off more easily than ANY of the other patterns. This tightly kinky, coily hair is quite fragile and is the driest of all the hairs, thereby making it more prone to breakage because of its tight curls. This type of hair has fewer cuticle layers (which help to prevent external damages) than any of the other hair types and because of this, it is less protected naturally which means combing, blow drying, straightening etc. can easily cause damage. Using moisturizing products and moisturizing your hair daily is the key to maintaining length and avoiding breakage in this type of hair. Afro hair can seem like a battle sometimes to wash, but it doesn't have to be. When you are caring for this hair type just remember the more gentler, the better Follow the tips provided here (caring for coily/kinky/afro hair) to lessen this burden-some task.