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Grow Care Maintain Natural Afro Hair
- Hair Structure
- Most people think of hair in terms of being thick or fine, straight or curly, but the fact is there are several considerations when it comes to analyzing your hair...
- Hair Cycle
- Your hair grows in a cycle of phases. Learn each one in more details to identify which one you're in.
- Hair Pattern
- Your hair pattern should not be confused with your hair type. Classifications for hair patterns are straight, wavy, curly, and coiled or kinky...
- Hair Typing
- hair typing is in regards to the build and structure of your hair. There are four main types of hair which are...
- Hair Texture
- Hair texture is one of the four structures used to analyze our hair type, it's grouped in three categories; coarse, medium, or fine...
- Hair Density
- Hair Density is labeled as Fine, Medium, or, Course. Learning about your particular type helps you to...
- Hair Porosity
- What exaToo much porosity reduces the hair’s ability to retain moisture or fight breakage, symptoms of porous hair is one that is...
- Hair Elasticity
- Many of us view elasticity as a negative thing, especially in afro-textured hair but truth be told elasticity determines how healthy or unhealthy our hair really is...
- Normal Balanced Hair
- Normal hair is the ideal hair for most. It is fairly manageable and preferably has not been permed or colored....
- Dry Damaged Hair
- Dry hair is hair without enough moisture or oil to maintain its natural sheen and texture. It is unhealthy and can lead to...
- Oily Greasy Hair
- Oily hair often has dandruff issues and the hair strands cling together in an unpleasant way making the head feel dirty...
- Mixed Combination Hair
- Combination hair is a mixture of both greasy hair. It's usually common in those with...
- Growing Afro-Textured Hair
- how can I grow my hair long FAST?!?...
- Nutritious Food for Hair
- Here is a list of foods you should be incorporating (if not already) in your daily eating regimen to help attain and maintain gorgeous tresses.
- Vitamins & Minerals Supplements For Your Hair
- The specific vitamins and minerals that can have a profound effect on your hair's overall health are described here...
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- Would you like to share your knowledge about natural? Great, find out how you can submit your story or tip here.